Indonesia Press Release

SMS messages and religion: Campaigning to protect grouper fisheries through local user rights

Views: 7972
(July 15, 2013) By: Irfan YuliantoRallying the support of religious and village community groups, and leveraging the ubiquity of mobile phones, WCS and the Karimunjawa National Park Authority have launched a campaign to reduce fishing pressure on 3 species of grouper: Plectropomus areolatus, Ephinephelus fuscoguttatus and Epinephelus polyphekadion.  Unusually, rather than raise the alarm, the call to action seeks to cement a success and make it sustainable. During 2006-2009 the grouper fishery became high...


Posted in: Marine

Bringing the sharks back: Groundwork for elasmobranch regulations in Aceh

Views: 9292
(July 15, 2013) By: Ahmad Mukminin It is not quite 10 a.m. on a typical fishing day in Aceh, and Muhajir and his crew prepare to go out to sea to check if there are sharks caught on their longlines. Today, they are in luck: a medium size Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) has been caught. As the fin price for Bull Shark can fetch USD$450, and the shark body up to USD$50, this single catch could match 20 days of fishing of lesser valued species.  The fins are sold to traders who then trade them on to Me...


Posted in: Marine

Mutualism in action: How WCS promoted co-management and incentives to boost marine biodiversity in Karimunjawa

Views: 7266
(July 15, 2013) By: Effin Muttaqin and Stuart CampbellTo enlist public support for an important cause—say sustainable fishing—sometimes you first have to give a little. This is how in the Java Sea’s Karimunjawa Marine National Park, WCS facilitated a set of incentives-based conservation agreements between the national park authority and local fishers.  In return for supporting the park zoning regulations by village laws and cessation of destructive fishing practices, communities have rec...


Posted in: Marine

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