Procurement Notice

Wildlife Conservation Society is seeking a good candidate for these job opportunity:



Technical Assistance/Position : Consultant – Supervisor and leader in National Competency
  Standards (SKKNI) in Shark and Ray Trade Monitoring
Supervisor : Irfan Yulianto & Efin Muttaqin
Period of Contract : April 1st – October 15th, 2020


The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and Wildlife Conservation Society Indoensia (WCS-IP) with support from The United Kingdom’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) since July 2019 have been working together to improve the capacity of MMAF in managing the sustainable use of sharks and rays through implementing the CITES protocol. The program is focusing on improving the capacity of MMAF technical unit namely Center for Management of Coastal and Marine Resources (Balai Pengelolan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Laut-BPSPL) in monitoring the trade of sharks and ray’s species, particularly CITES Appendix II listed species.

The capacity building programs conducted were Technical Training (Bimtek) and Training of Trainer (ToT) on Sharks and Rays Identification in November 2019 and January 2020 respectively. Based on the evaluation on the trainings from the experts, MMAF Training Center and the participants, the teaching materials, training set up and the modules are well organized and developed. Based on this, Directorate Conservation and Marine Biodiversity of MMAF, MMAF Training Center, WCS-IP and CEFAS agreed to scaling up the capacity building program into a National Competency Standards (SKKNI) of sharks and ray trade monitoring.

As the follow up of SKKNI process, WCS-IP will hire an expert to assist the development of the National Competency Standards in Sharks and Rays Trade Monitoring. The expert will be working closely with the Drafting Team that is appointed by the Directorate of Conservation and Marine Biodiversity MMAF to lead the overall SKKNI development process of the shark and ray Trade Monitoring.


This work will support Directorate Conservation and Marine Biodiversity, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in their efforts to develop the National Competency Standards in Sharks and Rays Trade Monitoring which ultimately will help in controlling sharks and rays trading in Indonesia.

Specific Tasks and Responsibilities

The scope of work of this consultancy is to working closely with the Drafting Team appointed by the Directorate Marine Conservation and Biodiversity to lead the overall writing process of National Competency Standards in Sharks and Rays Trade Monitoring. The PKWT will be responsible to:

  1. Act as leader in National Competency Standards in Sharks and Rays Identification and guiding the process in every meeting; 
  2. Provide input on document guideline and evaluation; 
  3. Coordinate with the drafting team to develop the outline and compiling information; 
  4. Finalize the document of National Competency Standards in Sharks and Rays Identification based on inputs and recommendation gathered form public consultations.

Deliverables and Level of Effort

The consultancy services will begin on 1st April to 30th September 2020. The expectation is that the overall level of effort for the contract will not exceed 6 months over the contract period. The fee is payable in instalments upon completion of work according to the schedule below:




Discussion of competency map: part 1

Competency map draft

30 May

Discussion of competency map: part 2

Competency map final

Discussion of competency unit: part 1

Competency unit draft

Discussion of competency unit: part 2

Competency unit final

Internal verification

Map and unit competency finalized and verified internally

30 July

External verification

Map and unit competency finalized and verified externally


Preparation before convention

Internal and external verification

Map and unit competency finalized and verified both internally and externally


Map and unit competency received inputs from various stakeholders and finalized

30 Aug

Finalization post-convention

Map and unit competency finalized

Reviewing module 1-5 (total 5 modules)

Revised final module


30 Sept 20

Reviewing module 6-10 (total 5 modules)

Revised final module

Reviewing module 11-15 (total 5 modules)

Revised final module

Proposing National Competency Standard draft to the Ministry of Manpower

Final draft of National Competency Standard

Required qualifications

  • The post holder should have Master’s degree or higher in biology, fisheries science environmental science, social science, or related discipline, with 10+ years’ relevant experience. 
  • Having knowledge of and/or experience in research on fisheries management issues, environmental, species conservation policy and research in Indonesia.

Consultant Arrangement, Supervision and Reporting

  • The consultant will be expected to work remotely, and attend meetings in WCS-IP Head Office in Bogor and MMAF Jakarta.  
  • The consultant will work under direct supervision of Efin Muttaqin, Shark and Ray Coordinator and Irfan Yulianto, Marine and Fisheries Program Manager.  
  • The Regular meeting will be scheduled with the consultant to monitor the advancement of the work.

Payment agreement:

  • The payment according to output base. cover sources in every meeting, consultation and review all modules. But not cover transportation and lodging.  
  • Consultant shall pay tax to Indonesia government from the amount. 
  • The payment will be following schedule: 
  • First payment upon completion activities from April – May 2020 
  • Second payment upon completion activities from June - July 2020. 
  • Third payment upon completion activities in August 2020 
  • Final payment upon completion activities in September 2020.

Application Details

Please send a covering letter and CV in English to not later than 20th May 2020 stating in the subject line “Supervisor and leader in National Competency Standards (SKKNI) in Shark and Ray Trade Monitoring_(name)”. No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified.