The whale shark was occur first time on 8 pm, October 2013 in west coast of Karimunjawa, and at the same time Mr Solikun, has been netting for anchovy. That whale shark try to get closer to anchovy net because many anchovy around Mr solikun’s net.
Mr Solikun try to drove away the whale shark in order to prevent entagled. Unfortunately, Mr Solikun with 3 other man in the boat failed and the whale shark was in the net until October 8, 2013 morning. At 8 in the morning Mr Solikun carry out whale shark to shallow water and inform KNP staff that he found a big shark that he never find before, and Pak Iwan as chief of Karimunjawa area and 4 other KNP staff and 1 WCS assistance came to location.
Mr Solikun said that he just worry if the animals was protected by government and he didn’t want to get trouble because of that. That why he informed KNP staff to take care about that. At 9 am in the morning KNP staff, wcs people, Mr solikun and crew helped with 3 other fisher try to release in deeper water after KNP and WCS staff documented, and finally at 9.17 am, whale shark could be release live